This is Oklahoma State University’s test stand for firing high-power rocket motors. Designed for testing research and experimental motors by the OSU Rocketry Team, it is also used with commercially-available motor for demonstration purposes. It is mobile and can accommodate motors producing up to 500 pounds of thrust.
Recent upgrades to the stand include an MDF blast box to encapsulate the motor being fired, a pressure transducer to obtain chamber pressure readings during the motor burn for research motors, and an improved LabVIEW VI to better ignite the motors remotely and acquire data throughout.
2017-ASEE-Rocket-Stand-Poster-CompressedI worked on this project as a summer research position with Garett Foster. We also wrote a paper for the 2018 AIAA Student Paper Competition Region IV. He presented the paper in Albuquerque, NM just before we graduated with our undergrad degrees. The paper can be viewed and downloaded here: