Mach Wave I is a 4″ cardboard Madcow Patriot kit. It was the followup to my previous Level 1 rocket that was lost to high winds in a tree. I earned my Level 1 and 2 certifications with this kit and after 3 years launched again on my first-ever research motor. 

This kit isn’t one I’d recommend simply because it is too unstable. The fins are small and the kit therefore requires significant nose weight to handle 38mm I and J motors. During summer 2019, I used my roommate’s CNC machine to cut some fin extensions that I epoxied onto the existing fins and added a layer of fiberglass across each joint. Unfortunately, I undersized them and the kit is still not as stable as I would like. It has worked well enough for launching 4 grain research motors, and I intend to keep using it for that purpose. I also retrofitted a crude altimeter sled to deploy the main at apogee for research motor flights that don’t use motor-based ejection. 

While not pretty, it is great for launching new research motors, and if a motor were to CATO and destroy the booster section, I wouldn’t be too mad. It can be fun to have a kit that is tough and a bit crude. 

Number of Flights to date
  1. 10/9/16 – Leonard, OK. Level 1 Certification Flight.
    Motor: Aerotech H250G
    Apogee: estimated 800ft (244m)
  2.  11/13/16 – Argonia, KS. Level 2 Certification Flight.
    Motor: Aerotech J350W
    Apogee: estimated 3200ft (975m)
  3.  7/20/19 – Argonia, KS. First launch of a research motor.
    Motor: Research KNSB H166
    Apogee: 950ft (290m)
  4. 8/30/19 – Argonia, KS. LDRS 38.
    Motor: Research KNSB H225
    Apogee: estimated 1400ft (427m)
Level 2 Certified!
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