Updated: 8/15/21

Odyssey II was my Level 3 Certification project. Built in summer 2017 from a 4″ Madcow Fiberglass Frenzy kit, it featured split fins, a 75mm motor mount, dual deploy, and my first flights with electronics. 

There wasn’t anything especially difficult or unique about this build. I’d been building 4″ fiberglass rockets throughout the year with my university team, so this followed suit with extra attention to details like epoxy fin fillets, paint, ease of electronics arming, and minimizing prep in the field. 

I now generally fly this just for fun on K motors, as it is still my largest personal rocket. 

Total Flights
  1. 9/2/17 – Argonia, KS. Airfest 23.  
    Motor: Aerotech J800T
    Apogee: 2797ft (853m)
  2. 10/15/17 – Argonia, KS. Level 3 Certification flight 
    Motor: Aerotech M1315W
    Apogee: 14,117ft (4303m)
  3.  8/31/19 – Argonia, KS. LDRS 38.
    Motor: CTI L645G
    Apogee: 9215ft (2809m)
  4. 9/6/20 – Argonia, KS. Airfest 26. 
    Motor: Aerotech K805G
    Apogee: 4298ft (1310m)
  5. 3/28/21 – Argonia, KS. Argonia Cup/Kloudburst 2021. 
    Motor: Aerotech K1103X
    Apogee: 5042ft (1536m)

Build photos of the rocket. Rocketpoxy used throughout.

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