October Fun Fly 2022

October 11, 2022

This past weekend I hung out at the Rocket Pasture for a couple days (and nights) for the October Fun Fly, generally the quieter launch between Airfest and Distant Thunder in November. The weather was pleasantly cool and clear, making for a great autumn weekend. I camped out both Friday and Saturday night on my own, and I love getting to stay put on launch weekends without driving back and forth to Wichita.

Saturday was forecast to be cloudy, but it turned into a clear, sunny day with almost no wind, even throughout the afternoon. Lots of scouts launched model rockets, and I did an ejection charge test of my 98mm-motor rocket, Pyromania. Not only did lugging the whole thing down to Argonia serve as a ground test of the ejection charges, but to also verify it can actually fit in my 2007 Cobalt coupe for transport. It did fit, better than I expected even, and next month when I launch it, it’ll be the only rocket to fly. This weekend I also launched Miss Kenzie, although I waited until Sunday, just to space things out.

After my successful ejection charge test, I helped with LCO duties towards the end of the waiver as things were slow anyway. I went to sleep early, and on Sunday, Sam and Kenzie joined me in the late morning. I had the rocket all ready to go, including testing out my new RunCam 4K for on-board video. Miss Kenzie launched on a J315R to 4832ft (1473m), and despite a little wobble during boost, it went fairly straight and came down as expected. The camera footage turned out pretty well, and it was fun to burn a motor again. I edited the camera footage together in the video below.

A little bit of personal news: Sam and I got married in August, and the wedding was wonderful. We had our ceremony on the beach in Coronado, CA with 28 people, and it was a mini-vacation of its own. I can’t say that married life is really any different, but we’re so happy together. Sam unfortunately has been very busy at work since the wedding, working lots of overtime, so hopefully that calms back down. I’ve been doing more volunteering with the death row animal rescue that I started helping with end of 2021. It’s been good to do more there, and I also put together Pyromania that should launch next month! This really has been such a wonderful year, and I’m excited for the final months to round out what will probably go down as the best year of my life!

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