Fall 2020 Update
October 19, 2020
I’ve been working at Textron Aviation a little over a month now, and things are off to a very good start. I’m working as a Process Engineer doing Manufacturing Engineering of composite assemblies. There has been lots of training to do, acronyms and lingo to learn, and processes to understand. I like the role already, and once I have enough work and know-how to become self-sufficient each day, I think I’ll really enjoy it.
A couple weekends ago I camped out at the Rocket Pasture for the Kloudbuster’s October Fun Fly. While I didn’t have anything to fly of my own (I’ll tragically have only been able to afford to put up 2 high-power flights this year), I got to help out the OSU team with a couple Honeywell launches. A past team member also successfully attempted a Level 3 certification, the first in almost 3 years.
The team put up the smaller tried and tested Honeywell rocket for its 7th successful flight, this time on an Aerotech M2500T. The second newly-built rocket (replacing the one that experienced an N5800 CATO in July) came out just shy of 15′ tall and over 130lbs. It went up on OSU’s first-ever O motor, the CTI O3400. No CATO this time thankfully, and a textbook maiden flight of the new rocket.
It was a blast to help the team, and while I think I did a good job of not trying to take ownership or leadership during the launch prep and recovery operations, it’s tough for me to no longer say, “We launched this” or “We flew our first _.” *immediately checks previous 3 paragraphs for instances of we*

Outside of work, I’ve been trying to find some routine each week. With work starting at 7:00AM, Sam and I have to wake up at 5:30 to walk Kenzie and get ready for the day. This has been a bit of an adjustment and is completely different from the schedule I used to have in school. Furthermore, the best time to go to the gym is before work, since we get off at different times each day, and the gym is less crowded in the mornings, so that means waking up at 4:30. Getting ready for bed at 8 or 8:30 is also taking some work, but when I’m able to get to sleep early enough, the following day is generally pretty good.
I’ve met a tennis partner via online tennis match-making service, so that’s been fun to get to play singles a couple times a week. The Wichita State University campus courts are just a few blocks from home, so if I don’t take the hopper full of balls, I can walk to the courts, just like I did in Stillwater to the Colvin courts.
I bought a 3D printer last weekend, an AnyCubic i3 Mega S, but unfortunately, the screen is dysfunctional. It illuminates and senses touch, but does not display any text or images. Hopefully the replacement customer service is sending me will resolve it. You can expect more updates to my 3D Printing page soon once that’s up and running! I have lots of use planned for it from rocket parts, rocket construction parts, board game organizers and components, and small items for around the house.
Finally, here are some pictures of Kenzie.