2021 Year-In-Review
December 29, 2021
With another year nearly gone, I often like to write an end-of-year blog post to summarize the year, both regarding rocketry, but also other achievements or notable events.
Starting out with rocketry, my main focus was a couple Eggtimer kits that I soldered in the early months of the year and then test flew 3 times throughout the summer and fall. I’d never done any surface-mount soldering before, so I assembled a few practice kits first. The Quark was simple enough, but the Quantum gave me more trouble, mostly because I failed to use a 2S li-po battery initially. Each of these boards flew completely successfully, including 2 solo flights without a backup altimeter, so I look forward to using these in my altimeter bays going forward. They are definitely less practical to use compared to my RRC3 or Altus Metrum products, but having the extra low-cost units in the future will be nice. I would also love to assemble a Proton for airstarts.

The Argonia Cup took place over my birthday weekend in March, and that was a blast. I flew a K1103X on my Level 3 rocket, and a cluster of (3) F40W motors that weekend. I also served as a safety monitor with one team and having some involvement with the competition I participated in 3 times myself was awesome.
During the summer months I put together a couple of Mach 1 Rocketry kits: one with a 29mm motor mount for flying the Eggtimer board solo, and the other a 38mm minimum-diameter Star Cruiser, my first thought-out minimum-diameter bird. These were fun to assemble, and with fly-away rail guides and just one altimeter in Star Cruiser, it was a lot of fun to fly. It launched and recovered mostly successfully 3 times on an H123W, I195J, and an I245G. I plan to send it on an I600R in early 2022, and if it holds up to that, a Loki K627 this coming summer.

I ended the year with 2 final projects of note. At Distant Thunder in November, I launched my multistage, Mach Wave II Stage, for the first time in 2 years. It boosted from a K1100T to a J500G perfectly and reached almost 12,000ft. The night before I left for that launch, my 5” Blue Iguana kit arrived in the mail. It will fly on the M1419 I’ve been hanging onto for 3 years at the Argonia Cup this coming spring.

There hasn’t been much else I’ve worked since the fall. I’ll build the Blue Iguana after the holidays, but there isn’t anything else too ambitious in the works. My fiancee, Sam, and I are getting married in August, and we’ll move this summer as well, so I don’t want to plan too much before then, and every dollar I can put towards the wedding will also help. So 2022 might be a bit slow, but after how exciting 2021 was, I can’t be too upset about it!
Outside of rocketry, my first full year as a working individual went well! I work in Textron Aviation’s composite facility as a Manufacturing Engineer and support the composite assembly and paint/finishing areas. It isn’t very technical as far as applying what I learned in engineering school, but I love the people I work with, and it’s a pretty comfortable position, honestly. I never have to take work home with me, and being floor support, we aren’t under tough deadlines to complete projects or anything. I must say I really enjoy that element, as it allows me the time at home with Sam and our pup, Kenzie, but perhaps I’ll want something more exciting in the coming years. For right now, it’s exactly what I want as it’s an engaging job but still allows me the time I want for things outside of work such as rocketry, board games, tennis, and time with those I care about.
Sam and I got engaged in June, so we’re excitedly planning our wedding for next August in Coronado, CA. I also played in a recreational tennis league during the summer and fall. It fulfils a competitive element I’ve been missing in the past couple years, and I think I improved greatly. It got tough at one point (I had a stretch where I only won 1 match against 7 losses), but I ended the last month in October by winning all 4 matches, 2 of which were against opponents who beat me during our first meeting. It’s also been fun to follow professional tennis on the ATP/WTA circuits and the grand slams. Maybe in 2023 when we don’t have a wedding in the works, my dad and I can attend a tournament or two as spectators.

When not at work, building rockets, or playing tennis, I love getting board games to the table. I’m mostly a solo player (I haven’t found a gaming group in the area), but my favorites this year were Mage Knight, Gaia Project, Terraforming Mars, Spirit Island, Pandemic: Fall of Rome, SpaceCorp, and I just learned Anachrony recently. I’ve 3D-printed box inserts for several of these, so that’s a nice crossover between hobbies/interests also.

That about sums up the year! I’m happy that 2021 was less grim than perhaps 2020 was, but I had hoped the pandemic would have been fading from the headlines instead of still remaining ever present. Thankfully vaccines became widely available, at least here in the US, and I received my booster shot as well. Hopefully 2022 will exhibit drastic slowdowns in COVID19 cases worldwide.